Member-only story
The last few months have been chaotic, bringing with them many personal challenges to cope with confinement or, failing that, having the temperance to go out to work without the fear of contracting the virus and transmitting it to our loved ones. They have been months of constant changes and adaptations where Mental Health has been threatened.
What is mental health?
Mental Health is a state of balance that aims to balance the personal environment with the socio-cultural environment so that the way we think, feel, or act is not affected, including management of emotions to maintain healthy social relationships and make the right decisions. Health must be important in all stages of life.
When it is affected, it can become a serious disease, causing changes in the person’s mood and behavior, symptoms that can last a couple of days or extend for months. It is estimated that mental illnesses are more common than we think, with Depression being the first, affecting almost 270 million people globally.
Early care can ensure that you are well physically and mentally and reduce the possibility of suffering from Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases.
How can I identify a mental health problem?
It is very difficult to identify if you have a Mental Health problem since there are emotions that…